Into 2008
Two days after my last post was my birthday. I tried weakly to organize a gathering, since York was in town and that would be my one chance to see him. No one replied, and I ended up going sledding with Sallie and Kristin, then running some errands. When we got back to the house around 6, Brent had put together a surprise party! York, Tabitha, and my family were there, and there was lots of food and drink and cake. It was definitely one of the most thoughtful things anyone's done for me in a while.Saturday and Sunday were spent cleaning my old apartment (the most painstaking part was cleaning the blinds...ugh. Glad we don't have those at the new place) and preparing for the New Years party we were planning for Monday night.
Monday we both worked during the day, then came home and put the finishing touches on the house, made food and punch, etc. Some friends of Brent's, of mine, and some people from work showed up. It was a very chill and relaxed party, and there was Attack Uno and merriment, punch, champagne, and right before midnight we set off fireworks left over from the Fourth of July. A couple of unexpected but equally welcome guests showed up, then eventually things wound down until the only people left were a few waiting for a taxi that never showed up. They conked out in the sitting room (aka TV room) until about 7 AM, when they were sober enough to drive home. That'll teach us to rely on taxis any place other than Lodo on New Year's Eve. Oh well. Overall, much fun was had.
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